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Double Your Money
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earn a point for your champ!
Work up a sweat with Coach Terry and the GoNoodle Champs!
Voiceover Ultimate Champ Training, Training. Howdy y'all I'm coach Terry, you can call me coach Terry. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back into your pocket. Lets do this! Hang in there champs, keep your legs straight and bend your body over. Hang 'em down and try to touch the ground. Just let it all hang out. Y'all hang loose, hang tough. Yessiry, hang on for dear life. Are you getting the hang of it yet? Hotdiggity! Keep on hanging on. Hang on by a thread, hang on to my every word. Hang five good people. Now slowly stand up and, hang out. Best things come to those who wait. So lifts some weights. Y'all bend down, lift up your barbell, and then stand up. Again. Down and up. It's heavy. Down and up. Now lift that barbell over your head and down to center. Arms up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Yessiry! Lets put it all together. Down, center. Up, Center. Down, center. Up, Center. Add 100 extra pounds. Down, center. Up, center. Yowza! You're worth your wait in gold champ. Champs are alive and kicking. Y'all kick one leg forward and then the other. Kick it, keep on kicking. Kick faster, kick higher. Kick a fuss. Now kick on out to the side. And just for kicks, kick your legs backwards. Yessiry, I hope you're getting a kick out of this. I am, keep on kicking. And remember, never kick a champ when he's down. Got that? Good. Woowee, lets take a breather. Breathe in, and breathe out. Now back to business. Sometimes champs get into sticky situations. Y'all get steppin' on the gigantic marshmallow. Lift your knee high and stomp down. Lift the other knee high and stomp down. Lift and stomp. Lift and stomp. Lift and stomp. They're mushy, they're smushy, they're growin'. Faster Lift and stomp. Lift and stomp. Lift and stomp. High knees champs. Higher. Stompier, faster. Sweet! You mallowed those marshies. Good stuff. What's cookin' good lookin'. Use your hands to quickly chop up a snack. Do fast little chops for the tomatoes. Now let me see some fast big chops for the sour apples. Go nuts as you chop up nuts. Chop to the side. Chop to the top. Chop to the bottom. Chop like you just can't stop. Chop chop, uh, uh. Now drop, literally. Drop down on the floor. Nice! That was awesome. Give yourself a self five. Yeehaw!